Global Shopaholics

Mail Forwarding Scams: How to Avoid Them


If you’re a business owner or an international shopper looking for ways to buy from the USA, it’s important to understand the risks of mail-forwarding scams. While there are numerous reliable services out there that offer package and storage solutions, unfortunately, some companies try to take advantage of unsuspecting customers by committing mail forwarding fraud. In this post, we’ll break down how these scams happen and what you can do to protect yourself and your packages from becoming victims of them.

Do you frequently shop online but are hesitant due to the risks associated with international shipping? It’s true: when shopping overseas, there is a chance that your goods could be lost in transit, or worse yet – fall victim to malicious mail forwarding scams. To help protect against these situations, it’s important to understand how mail-forwarding scams work and the steps you can take to avoid them. In this blog post, we’ll look at what mail forwarding scams are, why shoppers should be wary of them, and the measures you can put in place for added peace of mind when buying from abroad.

Explanation of Mail Forwarding Scams

Mail forwarding scams involve criminals using unsuspecting individuals to receive and forward packages, often containing illegal or stolen items, to other locations. Typically, the scammers lure victims with fraudulent job offers or online ads, posing as legitimate businesses or employers. Once the victim agrees, they unknowingly become part of a larger criminal operation, potentially facing severe legal consequences.

The Prevalence of Mail Forwarding Scams

Mail forwarding scams have become increasingly prevalent in recent years, mainly due to the rise of e-commerce and remote work opportunities. These scams often target vulnerable populations, such as job seekers, people in financial distress, and those looking for easy ways to make money. Scammers have become more sophisticated in their tactics, making it difficult for victims to recognize the fraudulent nature of these “opportunities” until it’s too late. As a result, it is crucial to be aware of the signs of mail forwarding scams and take necessary precautions when considering job offers or business opportunities that involve receiving and forwarding packages.

The purpose of the article

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive understanding of mail-forwarding scams, including how they work, common examples, and the signs to look out for. By increasing awareness of these scams, individuals can protect themselves from inadvertently participating in criminal activities and facing serious legal consequences.

How Mail Forwarding Scams Work

Explanation of the scam

  1. The scammer posts a fraudulent job offer or online advertisement promising easy money for minimal work. The “job” typically involves receiving and forwarding packages to specified addresses.
  2. The victim, enticed by the opportunity, accepts the offer and provides their personal information, including their address, to the scammer.
  3. The scammer sends packages to the victim, which often contain stolen or illegal items. The victim is unaware of the contents and the source of the packages.
  4. The victim forwards the packages to the addresses provided by the scammer, unknowingly becoming a part of a larger criminal operation, such as theft, fraud, or smuggling.
  5. The scammer may also use the victim’s personal information for identity theft or other illegal purposes.

Examples of common scams

Reshipping Scams:

Victims are recruited as “package handlers” or “shipping coordinators” for a fake company. They receive and forward packages containing stolen goods or merchandise purchased with stolen credit cards.

Work-from-Home Scams:

Scammers advertise work-from-home opportunities that involve receiving and forwarding packages. Victims become unknowingly involved in criminal activities such as smuggling or trafficking.

Fake Check Scams:

Victims receive a package containing a fake check or money order, with instructions to deposit it into their bank account. They are then asked to forward a portion of the funds to another address, usually via a wire transfer or gift card. Once the bank realizes the check is fake, the victim is held responsible for the entire amount.

Romance Scams:

Scammers establish online relationships with victims and convince them to receive and forward packages on their behalf, claiming they cannot do it themselves due to various reasons. The packages often contain stolen or illegal items.

Signs of Mail Forwarding Scams and How to Protect Yourself

Red flags to watch out for:

  1. Unsolicited job offers, especially if they promise high to pay for minimal work.
  2. Requests to receive and forward packages without a clear explanation of their contents or source.
  3. Employers who do not require interviews, background checks, or legitimate documentation.
  4. Pressure to act quickly or complete tasks immediately.
  5. Payment methods involve wiring money, sending gift cards, or cashing checks.

Tips to protect yourself:

  1. Be cautious of unsolicited job offers or work-from-home opportunities that seem too good to be true.
  2. Verify the legitimacy of any company or employer by researching their online presence, looking for reviews, and checking their status with organizations like the Better Business Bureau.
  3. 3. Be wary of any job that involves receiving and forwarding packages without a clear understanding of the contents or source.
  4. Never provide personal information, such as your address, social security number, or bank account details, to unverified individuals or businesses.
  5. Trust your instincts. If something seems off or too good to be true, it probably is.

Mail forwarding scams are a growing concern, and it is essential to be vigilant and educated about their tactics to protect yourself from inadvertently becoming involved in criminal activities. By understanding how these scams work, recognizing the red flags, and taking necessary precautions, you can safeguard yourself from falling victim to these fraudulent schemes.

How Scammers Find Victims

Scammers often employ various techniques to find and target potential victims for mail-forwarding scams. These methods may include:

  1. Job boards and employment websites: Scammers post fake job listings on popular job boards, targeting individuals searching for work or work-from-home opportunities.
  2. Social media and online forums: Scammers may use social media platforms and online forums to advertise fraudulent job offers or engage with potential victims directly.
  3. Phishing emails: Scammers send unsolicited emails with job offers or enticing work-from-home opportunities, hoping to entice recipients to respond and provide personal information.
  4. Targeting vulnerable individuals: Scammers often prey on people who are more likely to be seeking easy ways to make money, such as those in financial distress, unemployed, or older adults.

Signs of a Mail Forwarding Scam

Common red flags

  1. Job offers that promise high pay for minimal work or requires no experience or qualifications.
  2. Unsolicited job offers received via email or social media messages.
  3. Employers who do not conduct interviews or require any form of legitimate documentation.
  4. Requests to receive and forward packages without a clear explanation of their contents or source.
  5. Payment arrangements involve wiring money, cashing checks, or sending gift cards.

The Importance of Paying Attention to Warning Signs

Recognizing and paying attention to the warning signs of mail forwarding scams is crucial for several reasons:

  • Avoid legal consequences: Unknowingly participating in mail-forwarding scams can lead to severe legal consequences, as you may become involved in criminal activities such as theft, fraud, or smuggling.
  • Protect your personal information: Scammers often use these schemes to collect personal information from victims, potentially leading to identity theft and other forms of financial fraud.
  • Prevent financial loss: Victims of mail-forwarding scams may suffer financial losses if they deposit fake checks, wire money, or send gift cards as requested by the scammers.
  • Preserve your reputation: Being associated with a scam or criminal activity can have long-lasting effects on your reputation, both personally and professionally.
  • Help combat scams: By identifying and reporting potential mail-forwarding scams, you contribute to raising awareness and helping others avoid becoming victims.

By staying vigilant and paying attention to the warning signs, you can protect yourself from falling victim to mail-forwarding scams and the negative consequences that may follow.

How to Avoid Mail Forwarding Scams

Tips for avoiding scams

  1. Research job opportunities and employers thoroughly: Before accepting any job offer, verify the legitimacy of the company or employer by researching their online presence, looking for reviews, and checking their status with organizations like the Better Business Bureau.
  2. Be cautious of unsolicited job offers: Scammers often target potential victims through unsolicited emails or messages. Be wary of any job offer that arrives unexpectedly and appears too good to be true.
  3. Protect your personal information: Do not provide personal information, such as your address, social security number, or bank account details, to unverified individuals or businesses.
  4. Be skeptical of payment arrangements: Be cautious of job opportunities that involve wiring money, cashing checks, or sending gift cards, as these are often associated with scams.
  5. Trust your instincts: If something feels off or too good to be true, it’s essential to trust your instincts and investigate further before proceeding.

Steps to Take If You Think You’re a Victim of a Scam

  1. Cease all communication with the suspected scammer immediately.
  2. Report the scam to your local authorities and provide them with any relevant information.
  3. Contact your bank or financial institution if you have shared any banking information or made any financial transactions with the scammer.
  4. Change your online passwords and secure your accounts if you share any personal information with the scammer.
  5. 5. Monitor your credit reports and financial accounts for any unusual activity, and consider placing a fraud alert on your credit file.
  6. Share your experience with friends, family, and online forums to help raise awareness and prevent others from falling victim to similar scams.

How to Report a Scam

  1. Local law enforcement: Report the scam to your local police department or other relevant authorities, as they may be able to investigate and take appropriate action.
  2. Federal Trade Commission (FTC): File a complaint with the FTC at, which helps them collect data on scams and identify patterns to combat fraud.
  3. Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3): If the scam originated online, report it to the IC3 at, a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center.
  4. Better Business Bureau (BBB): Report the scam to the BBB at, which allows them to warn others about fraudulent activities and businesses.
  5. Your country’s relevant consumer protection agency: Depending on your location, there may be other government agencies responsible for consumer protection so you can report the scam.

By following these steps to avoid, identify, and report mail-forwarding scams, you can protect yourself and others from falling victim to these fraudulent scams.

Recap of the article

This article has provided an overview of mail-forwarding scams, including how they work, common examples, and the signs to look out for. It has also outlined tips for avoiding scams, steps to take if you think you’re a victim, and how to report a scam to the appropriate authorities.

Importance of staying vigilant

Staying vigilant and informed about mail-forwarding scams is crucial for protecting yourself and others from becoming victims. Being aware of the warning signs and taking necessary precautions can help prevent legal consequences, financial losses, and damage to your reputation that may result from unknowingly participating in these scams.

Final thoughts and advice

In today’s digital age, it is essential to be cautious when considering job offers or work-from-home opportunities, especially those involving receiving and forwarding packages. Trust your instincts, conduct thorough research, and never provide personal information to unverified individuals or businesses. By staying informed and vigilant, you can protect yourself and others from mail-forwarding scams and their negative consequences.

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