Compra asistida

¿El producto está disponible pero la tienda no realiza envíos a un almacén?

Cientos de tiendas de EE. UU. no entregan productos a las direcciones de los almacenes, lo que hace que el reenvío y el envío de paquetes sean redundantes. Mientras que algunos usuarios enfrentan problemas con el pago mediante tarjetas de crédito o el método requerido en la tienda. Aquí es donde entra nuestro servicio de compra asistida.


¿Cómo te ayuda la Compra Asistida a comprar un producto?

Encuentra el producto en tu tienda favorita y comparte los detalles, descripción y enlace de lo que quieres comprar con nosotros.

Comprobaremos si el producto está disponible y lo compraremos por usted.

Utilizaremos direcciones especiales de EE. UU. para recibir el producto.

Luego enviaremos su producto favorito a nuestro almacén.

Reempaquetamos para reducir peso y/o consolidar más de un producto en un solo paquete.

Enviamos su pedido a la dirección deseada.

Socios de envío

Millones de productos de la marca USA están a solo un clic de tu hogar. Regístrate, empieza a comprar y nosotros nos encargamos del envío.

Más de 70.000 clientes prefieren Global Shopaholics

Los buenos sentimientos son mutuos

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No matter how many items I ship, Global Shopaholics always consolidate them into compact packaging to save extra shipping costs. They are very generous towards their customers....
Donald Nworji
Donald Nworji
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I like Global Shopaholics services. It's my preferred alternative to MyUS. Package log-in, shipment packaging, customer services, etc., are all efficient and smooth. I'd recommend GS services to anyone seeking an affordable, hassle free package forwarding to Africa.
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The best shopping and shipping experience! All in one service haul is what Global Shopaholics provides you....
 Ivandro Silva
Ivandro Silva
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Today I would like to share my experience of a support that I got from Mr. Ethan, from the concern department. On account of missing items. For me, a dedication to providing solutions to all the issues raised… Very enlightening and firm in the search for solutions. Super service, if you want I have enough stars to give it.
Supratik Nag
Supratik Nag
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Its the perfect package forwarding company. I read about them in Quora and just took a chance.They have a very professional system and process in place.Very customer focussed.On time updates in every step. They will make your all purchases consolidated in a minimal sized box and ship to you.In one sentence I am overwhelmed about their overall service.
Petelson S.
Petelson S.
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They were super helpful and patient with me... My box arrived in very good condition and the products were well packed, I didn't even have to ask to add bubble wrap hahaha, top! I really loved the services, they just had to inform the days when the carriers go to collect the products from the warehouse before the customer makes the payment.
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Global Shopaholics provides a tax-free address and can store your packages up to 180 days! This feature allows me to ship multiple items in one go...
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Very professional service! The staff member got in touch with me via email after I consolidated my orders and selected a shipping option. He addressed his concerns with my selection and gave me reasons to re-consider alternative options, as well as streamlining the process to be smooth.
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