Discover Amazon shipping to Romania for Seamless International Shopping with Global Shopaholics

Amazon shipping to Romania does not provide wide-scale international shipping. Amazon allows Romanian customers to purchase from the long list of sellers available on the storefront. However, about two-thirds of those sellers still need to make their products available for shipping to Romania.

While there may be challenges for Amazon shipping to Romania, Global Shopaholics is here to transform your shopping experience. Gain access to a world of sellers on Amazon’s storefront and overcome shipping limitations. With Amazon shipping to Romania costs hefty—charging above $25 for single items.

Does Amazon ship to Romania?

Amazon shipping to Romania typically takes between 7-15 days. Larger packages or orders with numerous items may experience longer shipping times. Additionally, while there are multiple shipping options available, choosing faster delivery methods can result in higher shipping rates.

Why Choose Global Shopaholics?

Extensive Seller Access: Shop from the long list of Amazon sellers with ease.

Eliminate Shipping Hassles: Don’t let shipping limitations hold you back. We ensure that products from two-thirds of sellers, unavailable for direct shipping to Romania, become accessible.

Cost-Efficient Shipping: Bid farewell to Amazon’s steep shipping costs as we provide a budget-friendly alternative for multiple Amazon discoveries with our package consolidation services.

Make your shopping spree stress-free with Global Shopaholics—where international shipping meets affordability!

What are Romanians buying from Amazon US?

Romanians are avid consumers of a wide range of American goods, particularly those accessible on Amazon. The data reveals a strong affinity for U.S. merchandise, with top purchases including cosmetics, supplements, pet food, and gifts and flowers.

The competitive pricing offered by Amazon enhances buying power and contributes to the platform’s widespread popularity among the general user base. The diverse array of products available on Amazon US further solidifies its status as a preferred marketplace for Romanian shoppers.

In addition to the categories as mentioned above, Romanians are increasingly drawn to Amazon US for its extensive selection of electronics, fashion items, and home goods. Gadgets, fashion accessories, and home decor consistently rank high in the list of sought-after products. The convenience of international shipping and the reliability of Amazon’s delivery services contribute to the platform’s appeal, making it a go-to destination for a variety of consumer needs.

Amazon’s global shipping operations

Successful virtual business operations necessitate efficient international shipping, a facet where Amazon faces some challenges. While the diverse and extensive product range on Amazon is a major attraction, coupled with budget-friendly pricing, the stumbling block emerges when it comes to Amazon shipping costs to Romania. Purchasing specific Amazon products, especially electronics, poses difficulties in Romania due to limited shipping options.

Moreover, the duration of Amazon shipping to Romania extends over a considerable period, typically ranging from 7 to 15 days. Larger packages or orders with numerous items may incur even longer shipping times to Romania. Furthermore, while there are various shipping options available, opting for faster delivery comes with an additional increase in shipping costs.

Alternative Shipping Option

Global Shopaholics come to the rescue!

Keeping in view the strains of Amazon international shipping, Global Shopaholics brings you an easy solution to your shipping pains. The time to stress over Amazon shipping to Romania cost and Amazon shipping time to Romania is now gone. Convenient international shipping to Romania is just a few clicks away with GS. Buy from US, and ship to Romania hassle-free.

Why Opt for Global Shopaholics Consolidation Services?

Cost-Effective Solutions: Enjoy the convenience of creating a single package, even if your orders are from different stores. 

Eliminate Shipping Pains: Forget about stressing over Amazon shipping to Romania costs and delivery times. 

Efficiency at Your Fingertips: With just a few clicks, GS puts easy and simple international shipping within your reach. Consolidate your orders, save on shipping, and enjoy a stress-free shopping experience!

So Sign Up today and experience the ease of international shipping—choose Global Shopaholics for cost-effective consolidation services!

How does Global Shopaholics process the shipping?

Global Shopaholics operates as a package forwarding company, specializing in simplifying the process of shopping and shipping from the United States. With us, you can effortlessly purchase items from a diverse range of American stores and have them shipped to Romania without any concerns.

Negotiating international shipping can be a complex task, involving intricate steps that may be challenging for the average user to comprehend. However, we shoulder the entire burden, ensuring a seamless and stress-free shipping experience for you.

GS boasts a team of highly trained professionals who collaborate to efficiently process your shipments from the US to Romania. Once your purchased items arrive at our warehouse, you are promptly notified, and further instructions are sought from you. Upon receiving your approval, our skilled handlers proceed to forward the packages for international shipping.

Ready to ship Amazon products through Global Shopaholics?

Initiating shipping is a breeze with a few straightforward steps. Start by signing up for free on the GS website to become a member and acquire a dedicated free U.S. shipping address for your package deliveries. Global Shopaholics opens the door to innovative shopping and shipping choices.

Get What You Want from Amazon USA with Global Shopaholics

Are you looking to shop from Amazon and get your desired products delivered to your doorstep in Romania? With us, you can shop for anything you need, from electronics and cosmetics to household items and more. Simply provide the US address at the checkout and once your packages get delivered at the warehouse, they’ll be forwarded for shipping to Romania. 

Cost of Shipping to Romania

How much would it cost to ship to Romania? Well, it depends solely on the product you want to ship, the weight of the package, and the rest of its dimensions. You can obtain a clear idea of our discounted shipping rates by using the shipping calculator on the GS website.

Amazon shipping to Romania cost?

The shipping cost for Amazon orders to Romania varies based on factors such as the item’s size, weight, and the chosen shipping method. During the checkout process, Amazon provides a breakdown of the shipping fees associated with the specific items in your order.

Choose Global Shopaholics for a hassle-free and cost-effective international shopping experience starting as low as 21$ from USA to Romania. Our services simplify the global shopping process, providing you with an address for shipping, consolidating packages for reduced shipping costs, and offering secure storage options.


Navigating the complexities of international shipping, particularly with Amazon, can present challenges for Romanian consumers. While Amazon offers a diverse range of products, shipping costs, and extended delivery times can be deterrents. However, Global Shopaholics emerges as a practical solution, streamlining the shipping process and offering an alternative to the limitations of Amazon.

Happy shopping and shipping!

Global Shopaholics offers many other services which will make your shipping experience a lot more easier. Consolidated packaging saves up the shipping cost by 80%, you can also opt for extra padding for fragile items in your parcels.

You can store your packages for 210 days at the GS warehouse, if you’re unable to process the shipment right away. Furthermore, you can also get your packages insured for as low as $21.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there no Amazon in Romania?

Amazon does not offer extensive international shipping to Romania. Nevertheless, Romanian customers can still make purchases from the wide array of sellers on the platform. However, approximately two-thirds of these sellers do not provide shipping options to Romania.

Is there Amazon in Romania?

While Amazon maintains an office in Bucharest, Romania, catering to Amazon Web Services solutions, it’s important to note that when ordering from Amazon to Romania, international shipping fees are still applicable, as Amazon orders are shipped globally.

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